Summary: In another effort to destroy Utopia, Tempus travels back
in time and teams up with Lex Luthor. Before Clark even steps off
the bus in Metropolis, Luthor and Tempus begin to manipulate
events to keep Lois and Clark from ever meeting. What will
Metropolis be like when "Lane and Kent" never team up? (Episode
# 11 of The Unaired Fifth Season)
It was dark out, and a man walked slowly in the pouring rain. He
didn't look sad, lost, or even lonely. He seemed to be
determined, but to do what? No one who looked out at the
otherwise empty street seemed to know. He rounded the corner,
quickly ran up a few steps and knocked on the front door of one
of the many brownstones on the street.
Lois Lane opened the front door, and she looked up at the almost
unrecognizable figure standing in the doorway.
"Clark? You're all wet! Come here."
"I'm fine. I just needed to walk around for awhile."
"It was the plane crash, wasn't it?" He looked up at her to
see a touch of an understanding smile on her face, and a caring
look in her eyes.
"Yeah. There were a few people I couldn't save." She walked
over, and ignoring the fact that he was soaking wet, hugged him.
He lightly kissed her forehead and started toward the fireplace.
He noticed a scrapbook on the couch. "Is this the scrapbook you
made of Superman's articles?" he asked, knowing full well that
it wasn't.
Lois looked up. "How did you know -- ?" She couldn't remember
ever showing Clark her scrapbook of Superman pictures and
Clark chuckled. "I've known for a long time about that. I know
this is just pictures. But what's it doing out?"
Lois grinned. "Oh, I looking for that good silverware Uncle Mike
gave us and I found that. I was just browsing through it. You
know, it's been about five years since you started at the Daily
"Five years since I was lucky enough to meet you," Clark added.
"Only then, you didn't think you were so lucky."
"Yeah, well, what can I say?" Lois said, slightly embarrassed
as she remembered her antics of the period. "Some things just
take time!"
Clark smiled as he flipped through the book. "Wow, who took all
these pictures? I don't remember ever seeing some of them."
"Actually, Jimmy took most of them. I swear he was following us
around or something taking these pictures... that is, when he
wasn't forced to fix Perry's fish or clean out the closets!"
Both Lois and Clark laughed. "Look at this outfit!" Clark
grinned, opening up to a picture of Lois in a chicken outfit she
wore undercover.
"Yeah, well, I, ahh,,, why *did* you throw me in that dumpster
anyway?" Lois asked accusingly.
"Well you know, for a hack from Nowheresville,,,"
"You heard that?!"
"Of course I did. I hear everything." Clark smiled. His
expression changed to thoughtful, and he said, "I still can't
believe how much you couldn't stand me. There were a few times
there when I thought you'd rather hang around Cat than deal with
me! Face it, Lois, you were downright *mean*!"
"I wasn't mean, exactly," Lois interjected. Then she thought
about it and conceded, "Okay, maybe I was. It was just, well,
the way I handled people, I guess. I didn't want anyone to get
too close. And I'm sorry for the way I treated you. There.
Happy?" Lois said, looking up pitifully.
"Well whatever you said, even that didn't stop me from falling
in love with you." He sat down next to her on the couch and
kissed her gently. He instinctively placed a hand on Lois's
abdomen, where their child was growing. When they broke from
their kiss, Lois turned to a page with a picture of Perry and
"I guess we need to tell them the good news," Lois said,
reaching for the phone.
"How about tomorrow at work?" Clark put out a hand to stop
"Why tomorrow?"
"Well, I had something important I thought we could do tonight.
Meet you in the bedroom?" Clark said with a sly grin.
"I'll beat you there. And this time, *no* powers!" Lois
teased. "I don't know what I'd do without you." Lois lowered
her voice. "You really thought I was mean? ..."
In 1993, the hint of an electrical storm over Metropolis
temporarily highlighted the penthouse of Lexcorp Towers.
The penthouse belonged to Lex Luthor, one of the richest men
alive. Lex could control Metropolis on a whim; Superman had not
yet arrived in Metropolis to get in his way. At that moment Lex
discussed plans to sabotage a shuttle to the space station
Prometheus with his butler Nigel.
"We stop the final modules and the colonists from reaching the
space station, Prometheus will fall out of orbit, and Space
Station Luthor will be a reality," Luthor proclaimed. "And with
it, Lex Luthor will become a savior. Not to mention the power
that would come with such 'goodness.'"
"I spoke with Dr. Baines and all seems to go as planned," Nigel
informed his employer. "We stop the Messenger on Friday morning,
and then the great finale -- the end of the shuttle full of
Luthor puffed on a cigar thoughtfully as thunder clapped outside.
"Nigel, I feel at times we are at the top of the world. Nothing
can get in the way of this plan!"
Suddenly a square shape appeared out of nowhere in the middle of
Luthor's penthouse. Lex and Nigel watched as legs appeared,
followed by arms and then the rest of a body. A face was
The time-traveler known as Tempus smirked at Lex and Nigel. "Not
even a guy in a pair of tights and a cape?"
Episode #11
Written By Craig Byrne and Allison Word
Scenes From "The Pilot" Written By Deborah Joy LeVine
"Nigel, call security!" Lex commanded. Whoever this man was
wasn't going to get very far. Within seconds five armed men
burst into the room.
The first one tried to tackle the intruder when he swung around
and kicked him in a sensitive place. "Thank goodness for Mortal
Kombat," Tempus said, looking down at the fallen guard. "I
swear, one of those great inventions of the 1990s..."
"Shoot him!" Lex demanded. One guard set aim when Tempus ran
toward him and threw him into his time window. "Toodles,"
Tempus said, waving as the guard was thrown to his doom.
Tempus turned around and noticed that there were three more armed
security guards, including one holding a gun to his back. He
turned around and hit the one behind him in the face, knocking
him out. He ran toward the other two and knocked their heads
Lex picked up the gun of one of the unconscious guards and
pointed it at Tempus. "Excellent hand-to-hand work," Lex said.
"Now would you like to explain what you are doing here, or will
I have to make a mess of this Persian rug?"
"As much as I adore violence," Tempus retorted, "that's not
what I am here for. I am here to make a proposition."
"Talk." Lex snickered. "Not good enough. Tell me first, who
are you?"
"My name is John Doe... I'm a darn nice guy. Can't you tell?"
Tempus joked. "All kidding aside, my name is Tempus. I come from
the future."
"Sure you are. Nigel, call more guards, get this man out of here
or we'll have a body to dispose of tonight."
"Yes, sir," Nigel said.
"Oh, look, it's Alfred the butler. Hi, Alfred!" Tempus
Lex pointed the gun at Tempus again.
"Hey, hey, hey, calm down, Luthor. I'm telling the truth; how
else would I know that in one week you will attempt to sabotage
the colonist shuttle for space station Prometheus, securing the
space program for yourself? Gee, Lex, I didn't know you were so
Lex fumbled, but at the same time, he kept his composure. If
anything, he was intrigued. "Go on."
"You don't believe me. I know. But, oh yes, you will. You know
what happens if I don't warn you about this?"
"Your plan will fail. So, we need to take some precautions. I
can tell you what'll happen if we don't take them. A steadfast
reporter named Lois Lane will get her nosy self onto the shuttle
and try to go up with it for a story. A man with powers far
beyond those of mortal men will come to her rescue, of course,
and then he'll eat the bomb. The crowd goes wild. The reporter
tells everyone, 'It was a bomb -- he -- he *ate* it!' Everyone
will cheer this Superman, and good old Lois will become his
drooling cheerleader for about a year. I don't know about you,
but I swear I've seen this one on cable at least three times,
and I *don't* care to see it again."
Lex was still on guard. "And you're telling me this
"Lighten up, Luthor, and quit playing dumb. I've had enough of
galactically stupid people to last a lifetime. There's a great
reason for it -- world domination, Pinky! You know you want it. I
want it, and together, we can have it! You do *not* want to see
how boring the future will be if we don't do anything."
"There are two things I do not tolerate: failure and insanity,"
Lex informed the obviously insane man. "You are obviously the
latter. Stop wasting my time. Leave now on your own, or be
escorted out by security."
"Wait..." Tempus requested, raising his palm in protest.
"Tomorrow at noon, meet me near the Daily Planet building on
Metropolis Boulevard... I want to show you something to prove
that I am not bogus."
Lex was intrigued but still skeptical. "Fair enough," Luthor
said. "But heed my warning -- any funny business and you'll
wish you never came to Metropolis!"
In the days before she met Clark Kent, Lois Lane bounced from
date to date, thanks to the persistent nagging of her younger
sister Lucy. Every date seemed to be a disaster, and on this
particular evening Lois had a date with her latest "boyfriend"
Mitchell. Lois refused to use the term "boyfriend" and
preferred to use "acquaintance."
On this evening, Mitchell was twenty minutes late picking up
"Lucy, I'm going to kill him!" Lois yelled. She was rushing
around the apartment, pulling rollers out of her hair and putting
shoes on her feet. "Do I have to go?"
"Yes," Lucy told her. She was sitting on the couch, calmly
reading a magazine. "Come on, sis; he's not that bad..."
"Maybe not, but I should be *working* tonight! I'm supposed to
get the final information about that car theft ring, you know,
the thing Bobby tipped me on to?"
"Oh, that," Lucy dismissed. "You know Lois, one of these days
you're going to get yourself killed if you're not careful. Why
don't you take a night off? Relax for a change?" Lucy asked.
"I'm Lois Lane. In my business there is no such thing as
relaxation. Talk to me *after* I get my Pulitzer; then I might
take some time off." Lois looked out the window to see a 1992
Acura driving up. "Mitchell's here. Talk to you later, Luce."
Lois walked down the steps toward Mitchell's car. "It's about
time!" she said, getting in and slamming the door closed.
"Yeah, well..." Mitchell was about 30 years old, with slightly
balding blond hair and glasses. He also had a tendency to
exaggerate his problems. "On my way out I hit my foot on the
door," he told Lois. "I thought I broke it!"
Lois rolled her eyes. "Perfect, to go with your broken arm last
week..." Lois said under her breath.
"Hey, it *was* sprained!" Mitchell insisted.
Lois rolled her eyes again but stayed silent. They rode to the
movie theater on Jurgens Avenue and entered.
Several thousand miles away in the Kansas town of Smallville,
Clark Kent cleared the dishes from the dinner table. He couldn't
help but start to miss the farmhouse and Smallville already. He
knew that going to Metropolis was better for him and probably the
right thing to do, but he still was sorry he had to leave. Even
after traveling the world, Smallville was the only place he'd
ever considered home.
Martha Kent noticed the sad look in her son's eyes. "Honey,
you're doing the right thing. And, you know that if you don't
like it in Metropolis, there's always a place for you here."
Clark turned to face his parents and hugged his mom.
"Thanks, Mom. I want to go and everything..." He paused to look
around the room. "I'm just going to miss this place."
"Well, son, you can come home for a visit whenever you want,"
Jonathan laughed, and Clark nodded, remaining serious.
"I know, Dad."
"Well, Clark, you better get your stuff together," Martha said,
changing the subject. "You don't want to miss the bus, do
"No, I don't. Somehow I think flying into town without an
actual plane might not be the best idea for me." They all
laughed, and after the dishes were done, Clark walked upstairs to
his bedroom and grabbed his battered suitcase.
He heard the phone ring, but he paid no attention to it; Clark
just wanted to look at everything one last time. He went to the
window and looked up at the star-lit Smallville sky
"Clark? The phone's for you," Martha called to her son. He
turned around, grabbed his things, and ran downstairs to answer
the phone.
"Hi, Clark," said the female voice on the other end.
"Hi, Lana."
"I just called to say goodbye," Lana said quietly. "I'm sorry
I couldn't make it tonight. I feel like I should be there, after
all that we've been through together. I mean, we did grow up
"Yeah, we had some good times. I'll be back to visit every so
often, and don't worry about not being able to make it. I
"Okay, thanks. We'll miss you around here, Clark."
"I'm gonna miss it around here, too. Bye, Lana."
"Bye, Clark." They hung up, and Martha, Jonathan, and Clark
made the short drive to the bus station. They got out and waited
for the bus. No one said much.
"Dad, if you need my help around here, don't hesitate to -- "
"Clark, we'll manage just fine," Jonathan assured his son.
"Don't worry about us. We've got a lot of people around here
who'll help us out if we need it. If you need help, on the other
"I'll call when I get there," Clark promised. The three looked
over at the arriving bus as its brakes hissed. "I guess this is
it," Clark said with an uneasy sigh.
"We'll miss you, Clark," Martha Kent said, her eyes welling
"I'll miss you guys too, Mom." He hugged his parents and said,
"You two are the greatest, most supportive parents a guy could
ask for. Thanks for everything."
Martha laughed. "It sounds like you're going to be gone for
years!" Jonathan and Clark nervously laughed too.
"Bye! I'll see you guys for dinner in a couple of days."
Martha and Jonathan waved at the bus, and stood, watching it
until they could no longer see it. They hopped back in their
truck and headed for home.
Several hours later, Lois stormed back into her apartment,
locking the numerous locks behind her. The look on her face was
definitely one that screamed "don't mess with me."
Lucy was sitting on the couch, watching a "Love Boat" rerun and
filling out a crossword puzzle. "Gee, looks like you had a good
time... you're home by eight! Didn't you just leave two hours
"*Not* funny, Lucy," Lois warned as she kicked off her shoes
and threw her dress on her bed. "You know what movie he made me
go see?"
"Which one?" Lucy prompted, her eyes not leaving the
"Lassie! I am *not* kidding... I guess it could have been worse,
but whatever happened to guys taking their dates to *romantic*
movies? Even *Cat Grant* rates a 'Sleepless in Seattle' every
once in a while..." Lucy heard Lois going through her closet for
something to wear.
"That's not all, is it, Lois?" Lucy said, prepared for the
onslaught of babbling.
"You're right -- it wasn't! Once we got there, Mitchell
noticed a breeze. The next thing I knew, he wanted to go home
because he thought he had pneumonia!"
"Ouch." It was a commercial, and Lucy went back to finishing
the crossword puzzle.
"Well, enough about my dates... I've got something to do
tonight anyway. I'll be back pretty late, Luce. Don't wait
up," she said. "Read all about it tomorrow morning."
In the corner of Lucy's eye she could have sworn that Lois was
dressed strangely. She turned around as the door closed behind
her sister. She hesitated, then said to herself, "Nah..."
Lois exited the building and hailed a taxi. "Hobbs Bay Docks,"
she said breathlessly.
"Yes, sir," the driver replied.
The next morning at the Daily Planet, the largest newspaper in
America, a few employees arrived early. One of them was a young
man with a moustache and beard, wearing baggy jeans, a denim
jacket, a cap pulled low over his eyes, and a tool belt around
his waist.
The young man got off the elevator into the newsroom. He sat down
at a desk and sighed. He pulled off his jacket, put both hands on
his chest, feeling a tightness, and then looked around for a pair
of scissors. He lifted up the shirt just enough to reveal the
bottom of an Ace bandage and started to cut. He finally unraveled
the bandage and pulled it through the sleeve of the T- shirt.
Finally, the man removed his cap, revealing long, curly hair that
fell to his shoulders. *Her* shoulders.
Jimmy Olsen walked up from behind. He moved to the front of the
desk and stared at Lois, who was still sporting the mustache and
beard. "Mmm... I like the beard," he told her. "But the
mustache isn't working for me." Lois remembered and touched her
face. "Want me to do it?" Jimmy asked her.
Lois nodded and Jimmy sat on the edge of her desk, taking the
corner of the mustache and ripping it off. She squealed, but when
she picked her head up her beautiful face is revealed.
"I nailed 'em cold!" Lois told Jimmy excitedly, handing him a
tape-recorder, where the entire scoop was recorded only hours
Someone held up the latest edition of the Daily Planet, which
bore the headline, "Million Dollar Car Theft Ring Exposed." The
byline read "Lois Lane."
Jimmy was one of the first to congratulate Lois on her feat. "I
still can't believe they thought you were a boy."
"Well, the mustache helped," Lois told him. "And thanks for
teaching me how to boost a car."
"No problemo," Jimmy said, raising his mug. "To Lois Lane...
still going where no reporter has gone before!"
Perry White approached. "Don't encourage her, Jimmy. Her
head's as big as the Metrodome as it is!"
"It's nice to know I'm appreciated around here, Chief," Lois
said smugly.
"Oh, well what do you expect? Garlands strewn at your feet?"
"No, but I'd like a raise," Lois told her boss boldly.
Perry responded quickly. "Well *I'd* like a 145-foot triple
masted schooner with a teak interior but hey, Lois..." Perry
pulled his pants pockets out. "Times are tough."
Perry looked around to see that all eyes were on him. "Okay,
what's everybody standing around for? This is a newspaper, not
happy hour at Buckingham Palace!"
Perry continued toward his office, not realizing that Jimmy was
close behind.
"Chief? I've got an angle on the mini-mall murders.," Jimmy
began, trying to get his attention. "I figure there was blood on
the burritos because..."
"Did you finish those obituary updates?" Perry broke in,
obviously not listening. Jimmy's face fell. "Never
underestimate the need for a good obituary," Perry assured
before walking away.
"I can think of one right now,,," Jimmy muttered to himself. He
walked over to Lois's desk, noticing a note that was sitting on
there. He picked up the note and read it. "Whoa, I guess you
finally hit the big time!"
"Huh?" Lois asked.
"This time Lex Luthor's *personal* assistant returned your
"Give me that!" Lois exclaimed, taking the note out of his
"Give it up. Luthor never gives one-on-one interviews," Jimmy
"Well, he's never met Lois Lane before either," she reminded
Outside the Planet, a limo was parked wherein Lex Luthor waited.
Lex spotted Tempus standing at the side of the road. Nigel rolled
down the window, signaling Tempus to come his way.
Nigel opened the door for Tempus to enter the back seat with Lex.
"Thanks, Higgins," Tempus said.
"Nigel," the British man corrected.
"Whatever," Tempus said sarcastically, before he turned to Lex.
"You showed up."
"Why are you surprised? If you are from the future as you claim,
you should have known I would. Just mark my words: If this is a
setup, my associates will downsize you."
"No need. You must remember that the reason I'm here is to
*change* the future."
"Yes, change. The place I come from is such a drag. It's
Utopia! It's disgusting, in Technicolor! No violence, no sex...
no FUN! Hell, it's like a 24-hour marathon of 'Full House' --
seven days a week! It's 365 days a year when the biggest tragedy
is 'A Very Special Blossom'... the greatest villain in the
future is 'Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!' Luthor, it's worse than a
Disney cartoon! Who wants to see 'happily ever after'? I've
been there, and it is *such* a drag! Now we've got to prevent
this. See that man getting out of that bus, right down the
Tempus pointed to Clark, deboarding a Smallville bus.
"Yes...?" Lex asked impatiently.
"Well... keep watching."
Clark stood on the side of the street, looking around at the big
city. Metropolis was quite a sight for Clark, unlike anything he
had ever seen before. Clark was walking toward the Planet when a
bus began speeding down Metropolis Boulevard, unable to stop at
the traffic light... a bus that was about to run into a group of
pedestrians crossing the street.
Tempus and Lex watch as the man, Clark, looked both ways to make
sure no one was looking, unaware of the men in the limo. Clark
then runs out into the street and stops the bus with his bare
An older black woman stood in the middle of the road, pointing.
"He -- he -- !" She was the only one who saw him... other than
Lex and Tempus.
"This is insanity; that has to be a trick!" Lex exclaimed, not
believing his eyes.
"No -- it's Superman," Tempus said, knowing he had Luthor's
attention now, if he hadn't before. "Come, let's go to your
office and work out the deal."
Several minutes later, Lex and Tempus were sitting in Luthor's
office at Lexcorp. "Even though I've *seen* this 'Superman,'
I'm still not exactly sure what it is you intend to do for me,"
Lex said as he paced. "I don't see why I need you as much as
you claim I do."
"Lex, if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times!
You're a failure! A loser! Your plan doesn't make it to par.
Game over, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars!
You need me to win." Lex tried not to look shaken, which was how
he felt; after all, no one called Lex Luthor a failure and got
away with it.
"Okay, my whole plan fails, and the only way it will work is
with your help. So, if you're so smart, what's *your* plan?"
Lex challenged.
Tempus laughed, and sat down on a couch. "Yes, I do have a plan.
You covertly own part of the Metropolis Star. How about the stock
you own? 40 percent... but you can control that stock if you buy
a little more, which wouldn't be a problem since I can give you
tomorrow's numbers..." Tempus watched Lex shake his head in
"How do you know all this? And what does the Star have to do
with it?"
"I'm from the future. I know everything about you. Most kids
had Superman as their hero. You, Lex, were mine. See, here's the
biography of Superman," Tempus said, holding up a book.
"Published 2046. How *else* do you think I'd know what would
happen, *before* it happens?"
"Give me that!" Lex tried to grab the book.
"Ah-ah-ah." Tempus said, holding it out of Lex' reach. "Now,
back to the Star. You cannot let Clark Kent and Lois Lane meet,
become partners, or even like each other. It can't happen,
because if they start working together, our plans will be
ruined." Tempus paused.
"I'm listening; go on." Lex was irritable. He was not willing
to consider any propositions Tempus had.
"Well, you see, if you let me sort of, behind-the-scenes, *run*
the Star, I could hire Clark Kent, and that takes care of that
problem. Not to mention, it would give me something to do. I
thought this time period would be much more interesting than
it's turned out to be."
"I'm sorry we're boring you. You are free to leave," Lex said
offhandedly, pointing to the door.
"Why is it you want to get rid of me?"
"Shall I count the reasons, or shall we just talk about your way
of controlling the Star?" Lex said impatiently. If Tempus could
get the next day's numbers there was no financial risk in taking
over the Star and thus, Lex could just sit back and watch
whatever this time-traveler had in store.
"Good. I always knew you were more reasonable than everyone
"Don't be too sure, Tempus."
"Right now, I'll need to control a portion of the Star, so that
I can hire Kent and watch him. For starters, I've already said
he isn't from this planet, and you've clearly seen what he can
do. So, you must understand that he is trouble."
"Why must I understand that? I'm still not sure I believe in
superheroes..." Lex trailed off.
"Yet you're still listening to me," Tempus observed.
"You have a few irresistible offers."
"Glad to hear it. Now, you don't actually mind handing over
some of the ownership to me, right?" Tempus inquired.
"If I have to do it, I'm sure we can come to some agreement,"
Lex countered.
Lex and Tempus came to an agreement, with Tempus running the Star
under Lex's firm hand. Tempus would be allowed some flexibility
when dealing with Clark Kent, but not much else. When the deal
was made, Tempus began to stare at Lex.
"What?" Lex exclaimed, annoyed.
"Do yourself a favor, Lex," Tempus said arrogantly. "*Don't*
shave your head. It doesn't become you. It didn't work for
Hackman and it won't work for you either." And with that,
Tempus hopped into a time window and disappeared, leaving a
bewildered Lex Luthor alone in his office.
In Perry White's office at the Daily Planet, Clark Kent arrived
punctually for his interview. Perry sat down behind his desk and
began, "So, Mr,,,"
"Kent. Clark Kent."
"Yes. Kent." Perry browsed through Clark's resume. "Professor
Carlton called me about you. Haven't seen him in... let's
see... editor of the Smallville Press... that's..."
"Kansas," Clark finished.
Perry's intercom buzzed. After a few seconds Perry began
screaming into the receiver. "Well, tell him to keep his pants
on! If Carlini's can't deliver on time, find a place that
can!" Perry slammed the phone back on its cradle and turned back
to Clark. "Can you believe I bought a blood pressure monitor
last week?"
"Paava leaves," Clark said out of the blue.
"Excuse me?"
"The Yolongu tribe in New Guinea eat paava leaves to relieve
stress,,, it puts them in a meditative state. Maybe you should
try it."
"Well, I see you've done some travelling," Perry observed.
Clark told Perry about some of his international experiences.
"A citizen of the world," Perry said.
"Not really. It's my first time in Metropolis," Clark
admitted. Clark handed Perry his portfolio. "I brought some
samples of my work."
Perry gave Clark a funny look but accepted the samples. He
flipped through some of the articles. "The Borneo Gazette?
'Mating rituals of the knob- tailed gecko?' Kent, I'm sure
these are fascinating stories, but this is the Daily Planet.
We're the greatest newspaper in the world! Our people are
dedicated servants of the fourth estate who routinely handle
matters of international significance."
The door opened and in came Jimmy, tossing some keys onto
Perry's desk. "Okay, Chief, I fixed the horn on your golf
"Not now, Jimmy," Perry told him.
Jimmy continued, ignoring the fact that Perry is meeting with
someone. "The tone's still off, but..."
Perry raised his voice to get his point across. "*Not now*,
Jimmy!" Realizing defeat, Jimmy left the office.
Perry resumed talking to Clark. "As I was saying, I just don't
think that..."
Another person burst into the office. This time it was Lois.
"Chief, I think there's a lead here and we should check this
guy out. The crazy one this morning? His name is Samuel Platt and
he was an engineer at EPRAD for ten years. He's..."
"Can't you see I'm in the middle of something here?" Perry
asked Lois impatiently.
"Oh," she replied, still standing there.
"Lois Lane, Clark Kent."
Lois barely nodded in Clark's direction and threw a "nice to
meet you" at the man before continuing her tirade. "Anyway,
this guy worked on the Messenger, he..."
"Lois, what happened to that mood piece I gave you? The razing
of that old theater on Forty-Second?"
"I wasn't in the mood."
Clark chuckled to himself at her witty comeback.
"Now listen here, Lois, I..." Perry started, but Jimmy knocked
at the window to get Lois's attention.
Lois looked up. "Gotta run. Catch you later, Chief."
Lois made her quick departure, and Perry shook his head. "If
that woman wasn't the best damn investigative reporter I've
ever seen, I'd ..." He remembered his interview. "Look, Kent,
you seem like an intelligent guy, but you can't just walk in
here with this kind of resume and expect a job."
Clark saw his chance slipping away. "Mr. White, I know I lack
experience but I'm a hard worker and a good writer," he
"Kent, I haven't got anything for you, son."
Clark frowned but held back. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate your
taking the time to see me." Clark shook the editor's hand. As
he left, the look on Perry's face made it clear how tight
Clark's grip was.
Outside Perry's office, Lois picked up the receiver to her
telephone. "Daily Planet, Lois Lane."
"Ms. Lane? This is Lex Luthor." She suppressed a gasp.
"Oh, uh... oh my god... uh..." Lois scrambled for a pen and
paper. Jimmy, standing next to her, handed her some quickly.
"Thanks," she mouthed.
Lois regained her composure. "Hello, Mr. Luthor, thank you for
returning my call."
"It's my pleasure, Ms. Lane. I have a favor to ask you."
*Uh-oh*, Lois thought to herself. *He's going to ask me to quit
asking for interviews. Ha! Like that'll happen...*
"Anything!" Lois said, speaking the opposite of what her mind
was screaming. She wondered why that word chose to weasle its way
out of her mouth.
"Well, my people tell me that you wanted an interview. Well,
I'm free for a bit this afternoon, if you wouldn't mind making
the trip to Lexcorp for it."
"I, uh... no, no, I wouldn't mind at all. I'm on my way! What
"I'm free in twenty minutes, if that meets your schedule."
"Twenty minutes? Schedule? Of *course* it meets my schedule!"
Lois babbled excitedly. "Thank you, Mr. Luthor. You have no idea
how much this means to me."
"You're very welcome, Ms. Lane."
Lois hung up, grabbed her purse and belongings, and ran to the
elevators. "Jimmy, I'll be back! Something big!" she said,
waving goodbye.
"Smooth," Jimmy said to himself with a smile.
Lois ran out to hail a cab, but the first one ignored her. Angry
and in her "Mad Dog" state, Lois ran out into the middle of the
road in front of the next taxi. This one wasn't going to get
away. She got in quickly and handed the taxi driver some money.
"Lexcorp building, and step on it!"
The taxi hurried to the towering Lexcorp building, a building
which, at 100 stories, was the tallest building in Metropolis.
Lois scurried to the front desk.
"Hi, Lois Lane, Daily Planet. I'm here to see Lex Luthor,"
Lois told the receptionist.
"Right," the receptionist said sarcastically. "Luthor never
talks to reporters."
"Now listen!" Lois seethed, slamming her hand on the desk.
"Lex Luthor *just* called me!"
"Must I call security?" asked the woman.
Tempus, dressed in a business suit, walked up from behind. "No
need," he told the receptionist.
"Oh, Mr. Turner..." the receptionist said, recognizing the man
who had been doing business with Luthor lately.
"Lois Lane, I presume?" Tempus said to Lois, extending his
hand. "My name is George Turner. I'm a... friend of Mr.
Luthor's. Come with me."
"George Turner" was a pseudonym Tempus had come up with to use
in this time period. He got the name from a comic book character
he once read.
Lois and Tempus walked past the three main elevators and through
a door that revealed another elevator. Tempus punched in a
security code and the two of them were on their way up to Lex's
They got off the elevator and walked through a labyrinth of
hallways. They passed Nigel, who was feeding Luthor's exotic
pets, and they passed Lex's meal staff who were preparing Lex's
"You know, Lois, I think I like you better with longer hair,"
Tempus said to her.
Tempus shrugged. "Private joke."
"Ummm... okay," Lois said, unsure of what to think of this man.
"Do I know you?"
"Maybe, at some time or another, our paths have crossed,"
Tempus replied, grinning. They soon arrived at an office with a
plate on the door reading "Lex Luthor."
Tempus knocked. Asabi appeared at the door, opening it.
"Thanks, Punjab," Tempus said good-heartedly. Asabi gave him a
dirty look. Tempus and Lois entered the room.
"Ahh, Ms. Lane, come in," Lex said, sitting at his office and
putting his hand out towards a seat that Lois can sit in. Lex
then gave Tempus a look to get out. "Mr. Turner, didn't you say
you had a business meeting?"
Tempus looked at his watch. "Yes... you're right." He made his
exit quickly.
Lois sat down in an ornate chair, notepad already out. "Hello,
Mr. Luthor."
"Please, call me Lex."
"Yes... right... Lex... You know, I really appreciate this. I
know you're hesitant to give interviews."
"I hope you understand, a man in my position," Lex said. "I
wouldn't want to be misinterpreted, and I have had one or two
bad experiences with the media."
"But not with me!" Lois reminded, smiling coyly.
"Ms. Lane, I don't think there is such a thing as a bad
experience with a woman with as much beauty and charm as you
possess," Luthor said smoothly.
Lois blushed. "Well, I wanted to know if I could ask you a few
questions about your charities, the possibilities of you entering
politics, and things of that nature."
"Absolutely," Lex said. "But... I have to admit I do have an
ulterior motive in calling you here. Would you like to accompany
me to my Wild Orchid Ball on Wednesday night? Afterward, I can
answer any questions you may have."
Lois sat in awe. One of the richest, most powerful men in
Metropolis was asking *her* for a date. "Of course," Lois
replied, flattered.
"Very well," Lex said with a smile. The phone rang. "Hello?
Yes, of course Doctor... please hold."
Lois was in an eavesdropping state, but Lex broke any chances of
being able to do it today. "I'm sorry, this is a very important
call. Speak with you later?" Lex said.
"Sure," Lois replied. Asabi silently escorted her out.
Clark wandered the streets of Metropolis, unsure of what to do.
Clark thought about the mood piece article Perry White had asked
Lois Lane to do -- maybe, if Clark could find something out,
White would change his mind. With that in mind, Clark headed
toward 42nd Street and the old theater.
Compared to most Metropolis streets, the street Clark was on
remained relatively quiet. Clark saw a small rock on the sidewalk
and kicked it gently, sending it rolling further down the street.
Suddenly, Clark heard a voice behind him. "Clark Kent?"
Clark turned around to face the man.
"Yes?" Clark wondered who the man was and how he knew his
"Hi, my name is Turner, George Turner," the man said, holding
his hand out to shake Clark's. "I've recently been named
associate publisher of the Metropolis Star."
"Oh. Well, congratulations." Clark turned to continue walking,
but Turner spoke again.
"A little bird told me that you interviewed for a job at the
Daily Planet and were turned down. I was hoping you might
consider a job at the Star instead. We could use someone with
your talent and worldly experience." Tempus smiled and watched
Clark carefully for a reaction.
"Really?" Clark asked, almost skeptical. "What's the
"None at all."
"Well..." Clark said carefully. This was almost too good to be
true. "I'll get some samples together, and I'll be over... uh,
"No need for samples. I've already been well informed of your
work. Drop in tomorrow morning, ten-ish. But first... want to
come with me to meet your new co-workers?"
Clark was surprised at his sudden luck. "Sure!" he said. *I
think I might like Metropolis after all,* he thought. Clark and
Turner walked together toward the Metropolis Star offices ten
blocks away.
As Clark and Turner went on their way, Lois Lane walked by.
Turner noticed Lois before she noticed him.
Lois sensed someone watching her, and she turned to look at
Turner. Lois recognized him, but she couldn't remember where
she'd seen him. Shrugging, she ignored it and walked faster. The
sooner she got this stupid mood piece over with, the sooner she
could be back working on the Platt story.
Turner and Clark turned the corner, and the theater and Lois Lane
were long forgotten as Clark began his new job at the Metropolis
Star. He couldn't wait to tell his parents.
At the Daily Planet, Cat Grant hung up the phone with a delicious
grin on her face. "Listen up, everyone!" she yelled. Everyone
turned around. Perry especially had an annoyed look on his face,
because *he* was the one who usually got everyone's attention.
"I just got off the phone with a friend of mine from Lexcorp,"
Cat said, "and you won't *believe* who Lex Luthor is taking to
the Wild Orchid Ball with him!"
"I bet I know!" Jimmy said excitedly.
"Who?" Cat asked.
"Elle McPherson!" he guessed triumphantly.
"Pamela Anderson?"
"I heard Lex only goes with real goods. Think more unlikely."
"You?" Jimmy guessed weakly.
"Very funny, Olsen. Try Lois Lane!"
Most everyone in the room began to snicker. It wasn't that they
didn't respect Lois, but in light of her bad luck with men and
her constant persistence to even *interview* Luthor, it was kind
of unbelievable.
"Wait..." Perry said, approaching. "Where did you hear this
"I told you already, a friend at Lexcorp," Cat said
"Hot damn!" Perry exclaimed. "Cat, follow your lead... I wanna
find out if this is true, that our Lois... wow."
Tempus and Clark arrived at the offices of the Metropolis Star.
An older office than the Planet's and slightly less fancy, the
Star employed several hundred Metropolitans.
The newsroom was all on one floor, with several offices with
walls of glass. Reporters ran back and forth across the newsroom
floor. "Come," Tempus said to Clark, leading him into an
office. "Let me introduce you to who you'll be working with."
Another man followed them into the room. "Clark Kent, I'd like
you to meet the editor of the Metropolis Star, Bud Burns. Bud
Burns, I'd like you to meet Clark Kent... we talked about him
earlier?" Tempus said, giving Bud a reminding grin.
"Oh, yes," Bud said, an unsuspecting pawn in Tempus's plans.
Bud stuck his hand out. "Welcome to the Star, Mr. Kent. Let me
show you around..." Bud and Clark walked out of the office and
back into the newsroom.
"Hi, Mr. Burns," said a somewhat obese man as they passed.
"Who's he?" Clark asked, looking back.
"Dirk Armstrong. Writes the editorial columns. Don't get too
close to him or he'll argue with ya. Stubborn old
rassum-frassum..." Bud grumbled.
Bud took Clark to the hub of the newsroom. "Let me introduce you
to your co- workers on the city beat," Bud said.
Bud first introduced Clark to a black man in his mid-30s. "This
is Ron Troupe. Ron covers the in-town stuff, you know, Main
Street, Metropolis Boulevard, those areas. Ron, meet Clark Kent.
He'll be working with Angela."
"Pleased to meet you," Ron said, shaking Clark's hand
"Where *is* Angela, anyway?" Bud asked.
As if in response to his question, an Asian-American woman
emerged from the elevator. "Sorry I'm late." The woman
breathed heavily, as if she had been running. "I had an
important lead to... hey, what's everyone standing around
"Angela, meet Clark Kent," Bud said.
"Hi!" Angela said, smiling and shaking his hand. "Anyhow, you
won't *believe* what happened this afternoon. They started
razing the old theater on Forty- Second, and there was this old
lady still in there! Luckily they got her out, but talk about
luck... she could've died! She still had several abrasions and a
few broken bones."
"I trust you got the story?" Bud asked.
"Of course! Who am I to let you down?" Angela said. "So, Clark
Kent... what's your pleasure?"
"As I understand it, I'm..." Clark began.
"Your new partner," Bud finished. Angela gave Bud a dirty look.
"Bud, can I talk to you for a minute?" Even though Bud was
Angela's boss he followed her out of earshot from the new
employee. Or so they thought.
"What do you mean, my partner?" Angela whispered vehemently.
"I don't *need* a partner!"
"I know you don't, Angela, but this Kent guy might need some...
I dunno, help..."
"You mean you hired some guy off the street?"
"Not exactly. It was an order from high up. Apparently they've
heard of this guy, and they're impressed. Me, I'll believe it
when I see it. Regardless, he might need some extra...
encouragement if you know what I mean," Bud said.
Clark couldn't help but listen from across room. Even though he
didn't quite understand why Bud spoke the way he did, he knew he
had to prove himself. If anything, Clark always strived to be the
Angela and Bud walked back to join the others. "Clark Kent,"
Bud said, "meet Angela Chen. She'll be your partner for the
first couple of weeks, till you get settled."
"Pleased to meet you," Clark said, smiling.
Lois got off the elevator and stepped into the newsroom. A hush
fell over the room, and she just looked around with a puzzled
Cat walked over with a smile and took her arm, and most of the
other reporters and employees started working again.
Lois stared at Cat with surprise, but Cat continued to smile.
"So, you and Luthor, huh?" Cat finally said. "Wow! That's
big, that's really big. I mean, you're going to the ball with
the host! How'd you pull that one off?"
Lois suddenly realized why everyone had been staring. "Well, if
you're thinking I bribed or hypnotized Lex, you're wrong," she
Cat raised her eyebrow. "Ooh, so it's just 'Lex' now?"
"Don't you have a job to do?" Lois asked rudely.
"Uh-huh, and I'm doing it." They stopped at Lois' desk. As
Lois sat down, Jimmy ran over to pat her on the back.
"Hey, Lois, congrats on the date with Luthor!" he said as he
walked toward the elevators with a camera in hand.
"Thanks, Jimmy ..." Lois trailed off.
A few of the secretaries came over, babbling. "So, what's Lex
Luthor really like?" "Is he as handsome and breath-taking as
they say?" "Is it a real date, or just an interview?"
Cat, sensing Lois needed to breathe, persuaded everyone to leave
Lois alone by politely pushing them away, assuring them quietly
that she'd share any news. When they had slinked back
rejectedly, she pulled up a chair and sat down next to Lois's
"At least I'm a little courteous about it," Cat smirked.
"Thanks," Lois replied, shrugging it off.
"Sure thing. So, is this for real? I mean, Lois Lane is actually
going on a date...with Lex Luthor?"
"I just want to interview him," Lois insisted.
"Sure, Lois." Cat got up to leave, and Lois didn't feel like
arguing. Just then Perry came out of his office and walked over
to her desk.
"I hear you're going to Luthor's Ball...as his date."
"Yes, Perry, I am. I'm trying to get an interview with him."
"Curry favor, huh?" Perry nodded approvingly. "Well, have a
good time." He started to walk away, but then he remembered
something. "How's the Platt story going?"
"Good." Lois looked around nervously. "I'm working on it,
Chief. Don't worry."
Perry waved his hand as he walked back into his office, then
turned around and said, "I'm not worried at all, Lois."
Just as Lois was turning back to work on the Platt story, someone
yelled across the newsroom, "Hey, Lois! I heard about you and
Luthor!" She rolled her eyes, and tried to ignore the comments
that came her way.
Clark and Angela walked out of the large, crowded elevator and
into Lex's ballroom. Clark handed their exquisite, colorful
invitations to the man at the door, and they continued into the
room, checking their coats after walking through another door.
Both looked around, taking in the beautifully, not to mention
expensively, decorated room. Tuxedoed waiters were randomly
scattered throughout the large room carrying trays with different
dishes. The room was full of people, some mingling, some standing
in groups, others dancing, all dressed lavishly in tuxedoes or
ball gowns.
Tempus saw Angela and Clark walk in and waved them over as soon
as they saw him.
"Glad to see you two made it!" he boomed. "Have a wonderful
time. I might introduce you to some people later, so don't stray
too far." Tempus saw Nigel signaling him from across the room,
so he excused himself. "Talk to you soon."
"So..." Angela said, looking at Clark. "Guess we might as well
have some fun. There's a lot I don't know about you... We
should get to know each other. Would you like to dance?"
He smiled, then answered. "I'd love to."
Not far away, Lex had just left Lois, who didn't seem to mind
his sudden need to go talk to someone else. She wanted to see
Lex's adjoining penthouse, learn more about Metropolis's
wealthiest man. As soon as he disappeared into the crowd, she
stealthily walked the opposite direction toward a heavy oak door
and pushed it open.
The room was full of antiques. It looked like a museum. Lois shut
the door behind her and walked further into the room. As she
stood looking at all of the different things in the room, the
door opened. She turned to see who it was and saw Luthor's
British butler. She couldn't remember his name.
"Excuse me. I was...looking for the restroom," Lois said,
"It's not in here, Ms. Lane."
"No... well... I guess not." Lois shuffled a bit, still
nervous. She walked toward the door and followed him back to the
party. Nigel made a mental note to watch her.
"Hey, Lois!" someone called from behind.
"Jimmy!" Lois replied, sarcastically enthused.
"What are you up to?" Jimmy asked.
"Um... just, uh... looking around. Where's Perry?"
"He's around somewhere. I think he thought he saw Elvis or
something." They laughed and watched the people for a minute.
Lex approached and touched Lois' arm gently.
"May I have this dance?" he asked with a smile.
"Of course." The two glided onto the dance floor.
"Smooth, very smooth," Jimmy said to himself as he watched the
couple get lost in the crowd of dancers.
When the song ended, Angela went to talk to an old friend, which
left Clark standing by himself. He struck up a conversation with
a young man about Lex and the woman on his arm.
"That's Lois Lane, from the Daily Planet, right?" Clark asked
the young man.
"Yup, one of the best investigative reporters we've got."
"You work there, too?"
"Yeah, name's Olsen, Jimmy Olsen."
Clark turned and recognized the young man from the Daily Planet
the day before. He then put out his hand to shake Jimmy's.
"Clark Kent. Nice to meet you. What's she like?"
"Lois? Well, she's a piece of work,,, she's got a few Kerths,
you know. One of these days, maybe I'll..." Jimmy babbled on,
not realizing that Clark's attention had been diverted. Lex had
just walked off the dance floor. Something looked suspicious.
"I'll be right back, Jimmy," Clark told him. Clark stood next
to the door that separated the ballroom from wherever Lex was
"Wait! Clark! Did I ever tell you about the time on the Planet
ski trip, when Lois broke her -- "
It didn't do any good. Clark was gone. From the other side of
the door, Clark heard two distinct voices speaking. One voice
sounded like Lex Luthor; the other sounded familiar as well.
Clark used his x-ray vision to see the other side to find that
Lex was speaking to George Turner.
"What's the latest on Platt?" Lex asked.
"I haven't heard anything recently, I'm still waiting to see
what my sources come up with. You have the bomb for the shuttle
ready?" Turner said.
"You worry about your job, I'll worry about mine,
"Just be careful, Luthor. The entire state of the future depends
on this."
"I am *always* careful. Apparently, you don't know Lex Luthor
very well. Now get back out there before someone wonders where we
Tempus exited, almost knocking into Clark, who was standing
nearby. Clark almost spilled the drink in his hand on his shirt
when he had flinched back.
Lex followed Tempus out, greeting guests with a smile.
Clark walked to over to Angela and waited patiently while she
finished talking to someone before leading her to a quiet
Clark leaned forward and whispered, "I think we need to go check
out a Dr. Samuel Platt tomorrow."
"Who?" she asked, puzzled.
"A scientist from EPRAD. Heard some stuff about him when I
passed through the Planet offices a few days ago; I just got a
tip that he's got something to do with a possible sabotage of
the shuttle on Friday," Clark answered.
"The colonist shuttle to Prometheus?"
"The same. I have a feeling there's more to this story than we
know, and if we can find out what he was trying to say the other
day..." Clark trailed off. "First thing tomorrow, we'll go
find Platt, and talk to him."
"Great." Angela was also somewhat new to the world of reporting
but was kind of skeptical about Clark's "sources."
As Clark and Angela planned to visit Samuel Platt, Lois slipped
away unnoticed again and found herself in Lex's office. Lex came
in this time, and for the rest of the night, he led her around
with him, introducing her to friends and dancing with her. She
soon forgot about investigating his house and became caught up in
being with him. She stood by his side as everyone gathered around
to watch Lex.
"Honored guests," Luthor announced to an enthralled audience.
"We're here tonight for a good cause. Thanks to your
generosity, Luthor House for Homeless Children will soon be a
reality. As you know, I have dedicated my life to improving the
quality of the lives of the citizens of Metropolis. Tonight I'd
like to go further. It is my sad understanding that due in part
to the terrible tragedy that befell the Messenger last week, the
Congress of Nations intends to cancel Space Station Prometheus.
"I cannot stand by and allow that to happen to the citizens of
this planet. Profit aside, potential benefits that a zero gravity
laboratory could bring -- most importantly, pharmaceuticals that
could end crippling diseases here on Earth -- must not be lost.
Therefore, I have decided to commit my total financial support
toward the building of a privately owned space laboratory. I have
submitted my proposal to the Congress of Nations and I am
awaiting their go-ahead. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
Space Station Luthor."
Before Lex appeared a spectacle: a holographic image of the space
station Luthor has planned. A blue glow reflected on everyone's
faces as they stared at the hologram in awe.
The crowd cheered, and Clark spotted Tempus on the side sporting
an evil grin. Angela turned to Clark with a "You may be right!"
look, and he half-nodded, half-smiled in agreement.
"An engineering marvel," Lex said, continuing to build the
space station up. "Signpost to a new age in exploration and
scientific advancement. A gift to the future of mankind."
Angela, no longer doubting her partner, turned to Clark. "So
what time do we go to Platt's?" After Luthor's presentation,
the ball began to wind down. Clark and Angela left, as did Perry
and Jimmy. Lois was one of the last guests to leave. It seemed to
Lex that the ball had been a success, and the majority of
attendees had had a good time and were excited about Lex's
latest venture.
When Clark arrived for work at the Metropolis Star the next
morning, Angela was waiting.
"You all ready to go meet Platt? I've got his address." Angela
waved a small scrap of paper in Clark's face.
Clark was amazed by Angela's persistence. "I can't wait," he
said. "Let's go." They hurried out and hailed a cab.
The cab stopped in an older section of town, and Angela got out
as Clark paid the cabbie. "This is the one!" Angela said
excitedly as she stood in front of Platt's door. They knocked.
"Mr. Platt?" Clark called. When no answer came, they knocked
again. "Is anyone home? Mr. Platt?" he called out again.
"Just try the door," Angela told him.
"See if the door is unlocked."
"We can't just walk in," Clark protested.
"Sure we can." Angela walked around Clark and tried the door.
It opened, and she peered inside. "Mr. Platt? Are you home?"
She walked in further and turned around and waved Clark in.
"This place is a mess."
"It looks like someone got here before we did." At the same
time they saw someone sitting in a chair facing away from them.
"Is that him?"
"I don't know," Angela answered, and walked to where they
could see the man in the chair. She tried not to gasp and turned
away from the sight. Clark walked over to the body to study it
"I think he's dead." He paused, shocked. "He must've been
>From a nearby payphone, Angela and Clark called the police, who
arrived quickly. Inspector Henderson, who was in charge, thanked
Clark and Angela.
"We'll let you know if we find anything," Henderson told
Clark nodded, handed him a business card, and thanked him. With
that, they stood up and went back to the Star.
Angela and Clark re-entered the sprawling Metropolis Star offices
with the scoop.
"I'll go tell Bud," Angela said. "Wait here," she commanded,
sticking a chair beneath Clark's behind.
"Why can't I go?" Clark asked.
"You don't know him that well yet. Trust me." Angela walked
off and walked right into Bud's office, not caring that he was
in a meeting with George Turner.
"Can I help you, Angela?" Bud asked, "You know, there is a
door here."
"Bud, this is big!" Angela burst. "Real big! Remember that
Platt guy Clark and I told you about earlier -- the guy from
EPRAD? He's been murdered... I think it could be a big story --
"But do you have the facts to back it up?" Bud asked.
Turner chimed in. "I think she may be on to something," he
said, folding his hands together in thought. "Angela, why don't
you two investigate? You may be right... this could be big."
"Thanks, Mr. Turner!" Angela said. "I owe you one!" Bud, not
wanting to argue with his boss, kept his mouth shut.
Turner turned to Bud. "I must go also... got a meeting
upstairs..." Turner left and entered an elevator. At the top he
was met by Nigel, who led him into an office Lex owned.
"They're on to us," Turner calmly told Lex, even though he was
a bit worried about what would happen.
"Oh, this is great... see what your getting that Clark Kent
involved at the Star did? Future Man, I thought you knew
everything," Lex said, disgusted that he trusted someone who was
an obvious failure.
"If I hadn't, Lois Lane would have gotten involved anyway!"
Tempus pointed out, dropping the Turner facade. "Believe me,
Luthor, their knowledge is actually a good thing... trust me..."
He should have been worried, but he was oddly confident.
"Lex Luthor trusts no one," Lex told him menacingly. Tempus
began to feel like Lex was pointing a sword at his heart, but he
tried to ignore it.
The next morning, Lois Lane arrived at the Planet in a huff. She
had seen the morning news; she knew what was going on. She put
her things down and sat at her desk with a look on her face
daring anyone to come near her.
Jimmy was used to seeing her this way. He knew the best thing to
do in this kind of situation would be to drop the bomb and then
run. Jimmy dropped a copy of the Metropolis Star on Lois's desk.
He scurried away before Lois could say a word.
Lois glanced at the headline that screamed, "EPRAD scientist
commits suicide." She couldn't believe it. Seeing the paper
itself was the last straw in the reassurance of what happened.
"I've been scooped!" Lois screamed.
Lois walked into Perry's office with the paper in hand and threw
it on his desk.
"Mmm-hmm," Perry said, giving the paper the once-over with an
amused smile. "Yes, Lois?"
"Look at this!" Lois said, disgusted.
"'Man Found Dead, May Have Ties To Messenger Sabotage, by
Angela Chen and Clark Kent,'" Perry read. "I heard."
"You're not sorry for me?"
"Sorry? More like shocked. How in the Sam Hill does my top
reporter get scooped by two people I've barely heard of?!"
Perry stood up, the anger apparent in his eyes, and started
pacing. He ran a hand through his grey hair helplessly. "Do you
realize that I could have hired this Kent guy? But, no, I turned
him down! Now look at him, he's gotten a job at the Star and
scooped Lois Lane, all in a matter of days! How do you explain
that?" He sat down. Lois could tell he was upset.
Lois smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe he was in the
right place at the right time."
"Great shades of Elvis! Lois, if you were working on this story
like you should have been, you wouldn't have been scooped by
some hack from Smallville!"
"I'm sorry, Perry. I was working on the story. I just got
caught up in Lex Luthor." Lois sat down on the couch in Perry's
office, not knowing what to say and upset she hadn't found
"Well, untangle yourself and remind me why you're such a good
"Sure, Perry." Lois walked out solemnly. "I can't believe I
was scooped!" Lois repeated, getting angry again.
"Hey, Lois," Cat said as she fell in stride with Lois, who was
walking quickly toward her desk, fuming with anger.
"Have you come to gloat?"
"About what? Did I miss something? Wait, wait, don't tell me.
The date with Lex didn't go as planned. Or... wait a minute...
You misunderstood him? I knew it! It *wasn't* a date!"
"No, Cat, it has nothing to do with Lex."
"Oh, what then?"
Lois thought about telling her but decided against it, "Nothing.
I have to go." Lois headed for the elevator, hoping to find her
own lead regarding Platt.
In a Lexcorp board room, Tempus and Lex finished their sabotage
plans for the colonists' launch.
"Are you sure this will work?" Lex asked.
"Come on Lex, I'm a time-traveler. If it doesn't work, I'll
just keep going back till it does. Duh, simple as that," Tempus
said. "Have you contacted Dr. Baines?"
"Yes," Lex responded. "She will be along shortly so we can
finalize our plan." Lex noticed that Tempus was holding a
smoking object in his hand. Tempus raised his hand to his mouth
and puffed on the cigar.
"What are you doing with that? Do you know how much trouble I
went to get those, how rare...?" Lex said selfishly. He tried to
grab the cigar from his mouth, but Tempus moved out of the way
just in time.
"Come on, Luthor," said Tempus in the smirk that was starting
to annoy Lex. "Quit being such a big baby. I'm a bad guy. I
have to have a cigar. It's a trademark. Besides, you'll get all
the cigars you want once you're the most powerful man in
Metropolis -- and once I avoid Utopia. Life is good," Tempus
said, before taking another puff.
Back at the Daily Planet, Lois was at her own desk reading the
police reports on Platt's death. She looked up and scanned the
newsroom for Jimmy, but she didn't see him. Sighing, she went
back to the reports.
"Lois, line three." She looked up again.
"Oh, thanks," she said, reaching for the phone. "Lois Lane."
"Good morning, Lois." As soon as she heard the voice on the
other end, she sat up straight, as if Lex could see her.
"Hi, good morning... Lex."
"I was calling to see if you cared to watch the Prometheus
shuttle launch with me."
She smiled, but then realized she might not be able to because of
the Platt story. She answered with regret. "I'd love to, Lex,
but, I really don't know if I can. It depends on...other things.
I'll have to get back to you."
He paused then said, "Understood. If you can come, I'd be
delighted to have you, so please, call me."
"I will."
"Goodbye, Lois."
"Bye." They hung up, and Lois was momentarily lost in thought.
Her thoughts immediately went back to Platt.
He seemed to appear out of nowhere. "Right here, Lois," he
said, smiling eagerly.
"I need you to call the police station. Try to talk to Inspector
Henderson if you can, get any more information they have on
Platt. See what they think happened or if there's been any new
evidence, okay?"
"Will do."
"Great." She started packing up her things.
"Where are you off to?"
"I'm going to talk to Platt's family, see what they have to
Jimmy nodded. "Smooth. See you later."
Lois left the newsroom quickly and hailed a cab outside.
Unbeknownst to Lois, a black limousine began to follow the cab,
and then a silver Buick quickly maneuvered its way behind the
She told the driver the address, and it didn't take too long to
get there. Neither she nor the cab driver noticed the car behind
When she arrived, she paid the driver, and walked to the front
door and knocked. A red-haired, middle-aged woman answered.
"Can I help you?" she asked suspiciously.
"I'm Lois Lane, a reporter at the Daily Planet. I was wondering
if I could talk to you."
"I'm sorry, Ms. Lane, I've been speaking to reporters all day.
Can we talk later? There were already two reporters here
"Really?" Lois paused for a minute, feeling disappointed. "You
don't happen to remember their names, do you?"
"Clark Kent and Angela Chen. Very nice people."
"I'll bet," Lois said, with a wayward grin. "Well, I'm sorry
to have bothered you, Mrs. Platt."
"No problem, Ms. Lane."
Lois walked back to the street and headed for the main avenue to
hail another cab. But before she could take another step, she
felt a hand clamp over her mouth and another pair of arms grab
her around the waist.
"Help!" she managed to yell a few times, hoping to get
someone's attention. She struggled, but they didn't let go.
At the Metropolis Star, Clark looked up from his notes. He heard
something, a familiar voice. He turned to Angela and mumbled,
"I, uh, I'll be right back." He ran as fast as he could out of
the newsroom, almost knocking someone over and spilling someone
else's papers all over the floor. He turned around for a quick
"sorry" both times but kept going.
"Where's he going?" Ron asked Angela.
She shrugged. "He said he would be right back."
When Clark came out of the building, he flew toward the cries for
help. They were coming from a residential area, and he recognized
the victim as Lois Lane. Picking up speed and turning his face,
he managed to grab her from the two men who were restraining
He kept flying but he needed a soft spot to drop her in. Not too
far away he spotted a community pool, and he slowed down so it
would be safe enough to drop her. He did and flew off.
She fell into the sterile blue water and sputtered out the taste
of chlorine from her mouth when she surfaced. She looked to
whoever had saved her with a look like she would kill him if she
ever saw him again. *Not that I really saw him this time,* she
thought. Soaking wet, she climbed out of the pool and went to
look for a cab.
Clark looked back, and couldn't help but laugh at the sight. He
had saved her, but she had still been mad that he dropped her in
the pool. He flew back to the Star, making vague excuses as to
his whereabouts.
After lunch, Clark and Angela split up, both going to talk to a
few different people about Platt, and Prometheus. Clark got back
to the Star about 15 minutes later than they had planned, but
Angela wasn't there.
After leaving the police station, and walking a few blocks, she
was grabbed by three men, and put in the back of a van where she
was blindfolded, and had her hands tied behind her back. She
didn't know where she had been taken, or why, but she was left
somewhere, she assumed with someone guarding her.
Tempus walked out of his office, and Clark went over to stop him
before he left.
"Mr. Turner?" Clark called out.
He turned around, a little annoyed at being stopped. "Yes?"
"You haven't happened to see Angela around, have you?" Turner
thought for a minute, then shrugged.
"No, I'm sorry, I haven't," he paused. "You two still
working on the Platt story?"
Clark nodded, "Well, yes, actually, we split up this afternoon,
and were supposed to meet back here half an hour ago. She hasn't
come back."
"Well, I'm sure she'll turn up," he said as he turned to
leave. Clark shook his head and proceeded went to ask a few other
reporters if they'd seen her.
"Hey Clark," said Justin Redstone, the Star's staff computer
whiz kid, as he passed by with some computer piece in his hand.
"Justin! Have you seen Angela?"
He seemed to think about this for a minute. "Not since you two
left for lunch."
"Do you know if she called or anything?"
He shook his head, "Sorry, Clark." He kept walking. Dirk came
up behind Clark.
"Angela's missing, huh?"
"I don't know, possibly. Have you seen her?"
"No, I haven't. If I do, I'll let you know."
"Great, thanks."
At the Planet, Lois was sitting in Perry's office with him and
"You said he flew? And, then, he saved you? And, he flew off?"
"Yes, Perry! Then he dropped me a pool!"
"But you didn't his face?"
"No, I didn't."
Jimmy still looked bewildered. "He was...flying?"
Lois nodded. "I know it sounds crazy! It's the truth, though."
She stood up and started to pace. "I have to find out who he
"Uh-uh, Lois, you have the Platt story to work on! I don't want
you writing anything in my paper about flying men who drop people
in pools."
"You believe me, though, right? I mean, you don't think I'm
"No, Lois, I don't think you're crazy, but we need more than
just this before we go printing anything, and since we can't
print anything, why don't you just work on the story you
Jimmy looked up. "He really flew?" Perry and Lois ignored
"Okay, okay, I'll work on the Platt story." Lois turned to
leave, but Perry stopped her.
"Lois, now, I'm serious," he warned. "You leave this other
story alone, do you hear?"
"Loud and clear, Perry," she smiled and left.
"Man, wouldn't it be neat to fly?"
"Jimmy, would you knock it off?" Jimmy snapped out of it.
"Right, Chief." He followed Lois out.
A few hours later, Justin came back to see if Angela had
"No, I've paged her, I've called her apartment, everything, I
can't find her. I will, though, I'm going to look now," Clark
answered as he got up.
"Well, good luck."
"Thanks, Justin."
Clark sneaked into an empty office at the Star. He pulled down
the blinds, opened the window and flew out. He knew who might be
able to help him find Angela.
Within minutes Clark had reached that place -- his parents'
home. He had a plan, but it would only work out if he found out
what his parents thought. Clark explained his plan.
"Clark, it's too dangerous to be doing that!" Martha exclaimed
as soon as he had finished.
"I know, Mom, but I can't ignore the calls for help, and I have
to find Angela," Clark replied.
"Son, you can't live a normal life, and let people know what
you can really do," Jonathan said. "I've told you what would
"I know," Clark said. He sighed. "'They'll disect me like a
"You can't live two lives, Clark," Jonathan continued. Clark
looked up immediately.
"That's it!" he said, the wheels turning in his head.
"What's it?" Martha asked.
"What if I had a secret identity? I mean, I could be Clark, and
then... someone else, who wears some kind of costume, so people
would think I was someone else."
"That's just silly, Clark. It'd never work."
"It could, Mom."
A few hours, and many costumes later, Clark emerged from the room
in a blue suit, with a red cape and boots to match. "It's
certainly... colorful," Clark said, looking down at the
tightness of the costume.
"Well one thing's for sure. Nobody's going to look at your
face!" Martha joked.
"Mom!" Clark said, blushing.
"They don't call them tights for nothing!"
He studied himself in the mirror, with his glasses on. "I still
don't know. Something's missing..."
Martha studied it too. Then her eyes lit up. "I think you're
right. Don't move." She went to the closet and pulled out an
old suitcase.
"What's that?"
"Stuff that was in the ship with you when we found you." She
pulled out an embroidered crest with an "S" in the center. She
held it up. "Think this'll work?" She brought it over and held
it up to his chest.
"Perfect," he said, smiling. After she sewed the "S" shield
on the suit, he put it back and looked at it again. THe pulled
his glasses off slowly. "So, what do you think?" Martha just
smiled, and they went in to show Jonathan.
"Where's Clark?" he asked, laughing.
Martha and Clark shook their heads, smiling.
"How's it look, Dad?"
"I don't see how glasses are a great disguise, but if you think
it'll work, I say go for it, son."
"Thanks, Dad." He took off into the sky to look for Angela.
Once Clark reached Metropolis, he cried a cry for help in an
alley and stopped an elderly lady from being mugged. After that,
he helped victims of a multi- car collision by flying them to
nearby hospitals. Next, he saved a girl's cat from a tree, and
then saved an apartment building from burning. Then he stopped a
robbery that was taking place at a jewelry store which had closed
for the day.
He couldn't believe all that was going on, all the people that
needed his help. What was more surprising was the fact that no
one recognized him. He didn't know what to call his alter-ego,
so he didn't give a name.
Finally, he heard some muffled cries coming from an abandoned
warehouse. He went inside and realized it was Angela. Suddenly he
froze. He wasn't sure if she would recognize him. It didn't
matter. Either way Angela needed his help. He walked to her and
untied her hands, took the blindfold off, and ugagged her.
"Thanks," she said, standing up.
"Sure." She smiled up at him, and he thought she recognized
"So, what's with the suit? You some kind of superhero?" She
laughed, and he smiled.
"Actually, I guess I kind of am."
She raised her eyebrow, "Is that so?" He nodded, "What's your
name, Mr. Superhero?"
"Well, I...I guess I don't have one." She laughed.
"You've got to have a name. Well, what's the 'S' stand for?
Clark nodded, "Sure, but I really don't know what it stands
"Superman. I like it."
"Well, uh, I better go."
"Okay, thanks for saving me."
"Wwho kidnapped you?"
"I have no idea."
"How strange." Clark, or "Superman," as Angela had dubbed
him, wondered about Angela's captors. He flew off to another cry
for help, and continued to for the rest of the night.
Friday morning, Clark saw that "Superman" was the rage across
town, with mentions in both the Star and the Planet. Clark had no
idea of the impact he made as he was out saving people the night
There were pictures, taken with bystanders' cameras, of him
helping others. He read the stories, which told of a "super
man" with powers who helped people. It told of how he had saved
Lois Lane, stopped the jewelry robbery, helped with the fire, and
all of the other things he did. The main story in the Star was
his rescue of Angela.
At the Daily Planet, Lois Lane had a plan of her own.
"Jimmy!" Lois called out from her desk.
"Yes?" he answered, walking over to her.
"I need you to help me find this...Superman. I want to get an
exclusive. Plus, he saved me first!"
"Well, Lois, I thought you had to be in trouble for him to save
"So, we'll go out and... create some trouble."
"Olsen!" Perry yelled from his office door.
"Yeah, Chief?"
"You get those pictures of Superman from outside? When he
stopped the runaway car this morning?"
"They're in the lab, actually."
"Well, go get them. I want to see who this guy really is."
Jimmy laughed, "Well, he's Superman, Chief." He turned back to
Lois, "Lois, it's going to -- " He trailed off, noticing Lois
was gone. He looked up and caught her waving as the elevator
doors closed.
"What a day," Perry said to Lois while shaking his head, "Not
only will tonight see the launch of the colonists' shuttle to
the space station, it also has brought this strange sense of
enthusiasm for a new hero in Metropolis. Hot damn, if only the
King were alive to see this."
Lex Luthor waited in his office as Nigel escorted Tempus in. On
Lex's desk were copies of the day's editions of the Metropolis
Star and the Daily Planet.
"I thought you said this Superman would never happen?" Lex
asked Tempus.
"Don't worry, I've got it covered. It's all a part of the
plan," Tempus assured. "Remember how I told you Superman is
going to stop the bomb on the colonists' shuttle?" Tempus
"Well he can't stop it if there's two. Hahaha, this is going
to be great... and best of all, we don't even have to take the
A woman entered the room. She was blond and attractive, but had a
professional air about her.
"Dr. Baines, what may I do for you?" Lex asked, hoping she
didn't hear the conversation.
"It's through, Luthor," Baines said. "I know you want to stop
the space station from going up. You paid me royally to see to it
that it doesn't. That's how we stopped the Messenger. But
nowhere did you tell me that hundreds of people would die in your
tracks. This is wrong, Luthor!"
Tempus turned to Lex. "Should I, or do you want to do the
"No," Lex said. "This is my score to settle, my nosy
'employee.'" Lex reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a
gun. He calmly fired at Dr. Baines. She died instantly. "Good
night, Antoinette. Sweet dreams," Lex said, blowing the smoke
from the gun. Tempus watched with an amused grin. Bloodshed was
something he truly enjoyed.
Lex reached for his phone and spoke. "Nigel? Come upstairs... we
made a little mess that needs to be cleaned up."
Several hours pass and the colonist shuttle is about to go up.
The Daily Planet is a frenzy, with everyone in excitement and
getting ready to cover the big event of the launch.
"Uh.. Lois?" Lois heard from behind her. It sounded like Perry
had bad news.
"I regret to inform you that despite what we had been told by
EPRAD several weeks ago, the space program has decided not to let
any reporters on the shuttle," Perry said. "I'm sorry."
"But, Chief, imagine the Daily Planet getting an *exclusive*
personal account of being on the colonist transport. Can't you
pull *some* strings?" Lois begged.
"No can do, Lois," Perry said.
Lois's mind began racing. "Oh, well. Some other time, maybe,"
she said.
An hour later, things were equally exciting at the Metropolis
Star offices. Angela, Clark, Ron, Dirk, Justin, Bud and the rest
watched the TV screens as the world prepared for the launch.
"The view is so much better from here," Justin said, causing
the others to groan. They watched intently as the colonists
boarded the shuttle. They saw Platt's widow and daughter. Clark
noticed someone else who looked familiar. He also saw... Lois?!
Apparently, Clark was not the only one who spotted Lois. Lex and
Tempus were watching when Lex had a fit.
"Oh my God, so *that's* what she was doing! I have to get her
off of there!" Lex exclaimed, walking toward the phone.
Tempus stepped in front of him, blocking Lex from the telephone.
"Uh-uh-uh," Tempus said. "That's not part of the plan."
"So you want her to die?" Luthor asked.
"Well... yes," Tempus said, "Then she'll be out of our hair
Lex wouldn't admit it but he had developed feelings for Lois.
Lex pulled out his gun again. "How would you like it if I used
*this* to get you out of my way?"
"Temper, temper," Tempus warned. "Remember I have this." He
opened up a time window behind Lex. "One false move and
'boink.' You're gone."
Lex conceded. "Let me make you a deal... you stay away from Lois
and I will *assure* that she stays away from Clark. Besides, your
plan will work, you claim, so what do you care if she lives or
dies? She will most likely hate Superman regardless... and if
things continue she will never develop love for Clark. Especially
if she's with me."
Lex's convincing worked. "Fine," Tempus said. "Call." Lex
got on the line with Nigel, who phoned the shuttle security, who
promptly dragged Lois off of the ship, kicking and screaming.
Nigel posted bail so Lois wouldn't sit in jail. By that time the
shuttle was only seconds from launching.
At the Metropolis Star, all televisions were set to LexTel to
watch the Prometheus shuttle launch. Everyone crowded around,
trying to get a good view. Fifteen seconds to launch. A phone
rang in the background.
"Kent? Phone's for you," Justin said, handing it to him.
"Thanks," Clark mumbled as he walked away from the TVs.
"Mr. Kent? There's a bomb on the shuttle!" said a man with a
slight Indian accent. Clark paused for a few seconds. The man on
the other side of the line was Asabi, but Clark had no way of
knowing that.
"Where is it located on the shuttle?" He listened carefully and
nodded every so often, trying to memorize the exact location.
"Thank you," he said as he hung up and started out of the
"Clark, aren't you watching the launch? Where are you going?"
"I'll be right back." He ran out of the newsroom, and once out
of plain sight, he changed into Superman and flew toward the
As he got within view of the shuttle, the onlookers had spotted
him and started clapping and cheering, yelling out his name. They
all wondered why he was there. Figuring he must be saving
someone, or something, their fears quickly vanished.
He boarded the shuttle as the doors were closing, and he hurried
over to the location of the bomb. He heard it ticking and noticed
it only had 15 seconds before it would blow up. He pulled off the
module and saw the C-4 explosive was the size of an Oreo. Nine
seconds left.
He tries to break the bomb with his bare hand. No luck. Five
seconds left.
Unsure of what to do, but knowing he better do something quick,
he put the bomb in his mouth as it exploded. Clark was relieved.
Disaster had been averted. Suddenly, Clark heard another loud
noise and before he knew it he was surrounded by flames.
The light from the fire was the brightest Clark had ever seen. He
looked down at himself and saw that he was covered in ash, and
that his cape had just about burned away. He flew off, not
knowing what happened or why.
The spectators at the launching pad died in the blast. Everyone
on the shuttle died in the explosion except Superman. The people
watching on television knew only that Superman had just made it
onto the shuttle, and not a minute later it had been demolished.
On-screen, it appeared that Superman had killed everyone by
placing a bomb on Prometheus.
Confused, Clark made a quick sweep home for some clean clothes.
While there he stuck his costume into the hotel's
quarter-operated washing machine, hoping it would be cleaned, and
showed up back at the Star. He was very depressed, but no one
knew why. Everyone else was in shock.
Angela walked up to him. "Clark, are you okay?"
"Yeah. I heard what happened... it's terrible..." Clark
"Yeah, well, Lex Luthor's supposed to have a press conference
about the disaster in an hour. The conference will be at Lexcorp.
Superman's supposed to be there too, to explain what he had to
do with it. Wanna come?" Angela asked.
"I... I'm not feeling too well... maybe you should go without
me," Clark said, slumping.
At the Daily Planet, Perry White was running around like a
lunatic. "Great shades of Elvis! If Lois did something
lame-brained like sneaking onto that ship I'll -- " Perry
ranted, before hearing the phone ring.
Jimmy got it. "It's for you, Chief," Jimmy said, holding out
the phone.
"Hello? Thank goodness you're alive! I thought you might... oh,
you did... oh, they did... oh, he did!... we'll be there!"
Perry said, before putting down the phone.
"C'mon Jimmy, we're goin' to Lexcorp," Perry said, turning
to the young photographer. "And Lois is promisin' the scoop."
"People of the press, citizens of Metropolis, friends," Lex
Luthor announced from a podium in front of the Lexcorp building.
"We are gathered here after a great tragedy has befallen us. Be
assured that Space Station Luthor *will* indeed become a reality.
The seeds planted by the late colonists will be picked up and the
space program will live.
"We also gather to question the motives of this 'Superman'
that appeared at the scene. Did he sabotage the shuttle -- to
keep us away from finding his home planet, perhaps?" Lex asked
the public.
"No," Superman said, hovering by a window. His costume was a
bit tattered but not as dirty as it was right after the bomb. He
landed on the stage next to Luthor. "I came because I heard that
there was a bomb -- "
"Yes, Superman," Lex broke in. "So why didn't you stop it?"
"I tried," Superman said.
"Well then, trying and doing are two different things. Do you
realize two hundred people died today?" Lex asked.
The crowd started booing and throwing things and screaming at
Superman. "My God, you killed Kenny!" "My mom and sister were
on there!" "Alien!" The comments were too much. Superman held
up a hand to try to speak, but to no avail.
"Explain, Superman..." Lex taunted. "Who are you, anyway, and
why should you be trusted?"
Clark was unable to answer. Frustrated, he turned around and flew
back to Smallville.
Martha brought another cup of coffee to the table for Clark. He
looked up at her.
"Thanks, Mom." She lightly patted him on the back and sat down
next to Jonathan. "I just -- I don't know what to do. I try to
give them what they want, but when I can't do enough... I just
couldn't explain to them..."
"Son, you'll never be able to be everywhere at once," Jonathan
said, trying to console his son. "Sometimes you'll have to
sacrifice one thing to help another. You can't do everything. No
one can. The people don't know what happened; they only know
what they think they saw."
"I know, Dad. I just wish I knew about the other bomb."
"Clark, you did your best. That's all anyone can ask of you.
Past that, you can't do anything more."
"Maybe the secret identity was a stupid idea. Maybe I should
give up being Superman."
"Clark, don't let this stop you," Jonathan said, "You could
always give it another shot. People will always need you, son,
whether they act appreciative of that help or not."
"It's up to you, Clark. You do what you feel is right. Follow
your heart. Whatever you choose, we'll support you one-hundred
percent, and we believe in you. You know what's right. It's up
to you to decide what you want to do."
"Thanks." Martha and Jonathan left Clark alone in the kitchen
for awhile, and eventually he went outside to think.
When he came back inside, Martha and Jonathan were in the
kitchen, and Clark had a unreadable look on his face.
He sighed as he looked at both of his parents. He took a deep
breath and said, "I'm going back to Metropolis, and I'm going
to continue being Superman and helping people. Maybe eventually
they'll come to see that I didn't mean to harm anyone. I only
made the mistake of not looking for a second bomb, but I don't
know... I also can't help but getting this feeling..."
"That Luthor set you up?" Jonathan finished.
"Yeah. I heard something at the Wild Orchid Ball. It makes me
"Maybe you should talk to this Luthor and find out for
yourself," Jonathan suggested.
"Maybe," Clark said.
Martha and Jonathan smiled and hugged their son. He left that
night, knwoing he had made the right decision.
It was soon late at night in Metropolis, and Clark was determined
to find out what really happened with the bomb. He flew up to Lex
Luthor's balcony to find Luthor in his study. Clark walked in to
confront Luthor.
"Well, well, Superman... to what do we owe this honor?" Lex
"You set me up, Luthor," Superman accused.
"A very interesting theory, Superman. But that's all it is.
Even if you didn't sabotage the shuttle, we can't have strange
visitors from another planet flying all over the place, now can
we? And who's to say you *didn't* sabotage it? I see no
"Luthor, you're wrong. That is not what I'm about."
"We'll see about that."
"This isn't over, Luthor."
"Well then, as they say, let the games begin."
Luthor puffed on his cigar, and Superman flew off.
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